17 March, 2011

Recover Mail.app after crash

Occasionally Mail.app tends to crash and after re-opening it all mail accounts are gone. It asks you to create new account to process. I hate when that happens. For the next time (hope it never comes) here's the solution:

sahver-mbp:Preferences martinkoppel$ pwd

sahver-mbp:Preferences martinkoppel$ ls -la com.apple.mail*
-rw------- 1 martinkoppel staff 580 Mar 17 13:41 com.apple.mail.plist
-rw------- 1 martinkoppel staff 23285 Mar 16 18:09 com.apple.mail.plist.J6LEOAb

To recover all you need to do is:

sahver-mbp:Preferences martinkoppel$ mv com.apple.mail.plist com.apple.mail.plist.backup
sahver-mbp:Preferences martinkoppel$ mv com.apple.mail.plist.J6LEOAb com.apple.mail.plist

.. and now its safe to start Mail.app again.