30 November, 2007

Make iSync to support K530i cellphone

I recently got myself a new Sony Ericsson cellphone (not too fancy but still a new model). Guys form the EMT store doesn't know anything about Mac so they couldn't promise me then K530i will sync at all. So toke the challenge and purchased it anyway.
When I first started iSync and tried to add new device, it found my phone, but alerted me that this model is not supported. And the solution was more simple than I could imagine - just need to modify some XML and iSync gets smarter. Hit was on the blog http://www.bermione.be/2006/09/20/isync-a-sonyericsson-k510i-please/. Although the article was about K510i, the same approach worked for K530i. All you need to do is replace model number. Works like a charm.

To make it more simple:

Open file: /Applications/iSync.app/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice/Contents/PlugIns/PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin/Contents/Resources/MetaClasses.plist

Add text:

<string>Sony Ericsson+Sony Ericsson K530</string>