13 April, 2007

Oracle client on Mac OS X

Here is a short step-by-stem guide how to install Oracle client (SQLPlus) onto you Mac machine.

1. Download instantclient-basic-macosx and instantclient-sqlplus-macosx from http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/oci/instantclient/htdocs/macsoft.html

2. Unzipped them in /usr/oraclient

3. Set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/oraclient

4. Add tnsnames.ora file into /usr/oraclient

5. Set TNS_ADMIN=/usr/oraclient

..and its done.

For more confortable useage you can place those environment variable envaluation into your .profile
and also inglude /usr/oraclient into PATH env.var.

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